

(0) tip
Moved kolab-webadmin and kolab-webclient into the kolab package dependencies. paul-kolab-minimal tip
Merged changes from upstream and the paul branch. paul-kolab-minimal
Fixed and refined copyright details. paul
Merged upstream changes. paul
Packaging for kolab 3.1.8-1 from upstream. default
Merged upstream changes. paul-kolab-minimal
Packaging for kolab 3.1.4-1 from upstream.
Merged upstream changes. paul-kolab-minimal
Added upstream changelog entries.
Added the vmail user and group for Dovecot virtual user mailbox access. paul-kolab-minimal
Added a kolab-extra metapackage for a suite that includes the XMPP server. paul-kolab-minimal
Added setup-kolab invocation for ejabberd configuration. paul-kolab-minimal
Added ejabberd and Converse dependencies. paul-kolab-minimal
Added the metadata plugin to kolab-dovecot. paul-kolab-minimal
Introduced kolab-cyrus and kolab-dovecot metapackages in order to offer paul-kolab-minimal
Moved kolab-saslauthd out of kolab-minimal. paul-kolab-minimal
Added kolab-webadmin dependency to provide access for "setup-kolab mysql" to paul-kolab-minimal
Moved the MTA dependency out of the minimal package. paul-kolab-minimal
Removed redundant entries from the kolab package dependencies list. paul-kolab-minimal
Added a kolab-minimal metapackage. paul-kolab-minimal
Fixed indentation. paul
Merged changes from upstream. paul
Updated packaging by Paul. paul
Packaging for kolab 3.1.0-36 from upstream.
Packaging for kolab 3.1.0-25 from upstream.
(0) tip