

(0) -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 tip
Handle missing end datetimes when editing events.
Added missing SENT-BY properties to free/busy messages.
Convert periods to complete UTC datetimes for free/busy recording and sharing.
Introduced control over end datetime usage together with round-trip editing
Introduced get_datetime_item function and method returning datetime and
Fixed CSS class usage for show/hide labels.
Simplify the event property loop slightly.
Added datetime modification support for events, replacing the update control
Prevent bad datetimes from being interpreted as dates.
Respect organiser PARTSTAT when updating free/busy information.
Handle the absence of slot information for empty days.
Changed the display property of thead and tbody elements so that hidden days
Hide empty days by default.
Removed the showing/hiding of unused start-of-day periods.
Generate empty days in the calendar, adding a control to show/hide them.
Coalesce empty table cells.
Added some support for defining the organiser's participation status.
Allow unsent events to be discarded.
Colour events according to the organiser/attendee role of the user.
Removed redundant next_date import.
Tidied up sequence number handling and event period coalescing for new events.
Removed the redundant next_date function.
Added organiser/attendee verification for free/busy updates; tidied up slightly.
Fixed apostrophe (single quote) encoding.
Make SUMMARY editable only as organiser; make PARTSTAT editable regardless of
Merge attendance details into stored events rather than always overwriting them.
Remove the RSVP attribute upon responding.
Replaced the separate accept and decline actions with a single reply action that
Tidied up event attendee presentation, showing participation for all attendees.
Added missing event cancellation operations.
Handle cancellations and only record accepted events.
Brought the free/busy repair script up to date.
Remove free/busy information for an event upon cancellation.
Exclude the user as attendee from receiving mail sent when acting as organiser.
Only show an attendance selector for the user. Added tentative value details.
Changed the reset button to deselect selected slots instead of merely acting as
Added some support for saving single user events, although free/busy information
Made get_periods a method on the Object class, moving the supporting function to
Separated organiser and attendee actions, adding some support for cancellations.
Replaced needs_action with needs_update, inverting the condition.
Permit users to be both organisers and attendees of the same event.
Changed get_datetime_item to require a time regime since the tzname method of
The Freebusy handler does not need the ResourceHandler functionality.
Moved various period-related functions to the period module.
Used more specific classes for selector controls; added a reset button.
Incorporate selected time periods into selected days, merging adjacent days when
Added function docstrings.
Added some method-related comments.
Added some explanations of the various day-related functions.
Introduced explicit time regime (TZID) usage so that the start of each day is
Introduced a means of marking whole days as selected using dynamic stylesheets.
Highlight the day heading to indicate potential selection.
Show the endpoints of empty slots when busy slots are hidden.
Added some qualifications to the comments.
Added support for whole-day selection, creating events with date value types.
Preserved checkbox selections upon form submission.
Adjusted the colours associated with show/hide controls.
Supported multiple slot selections with a slightly nicer selection method,
Make end datetime adjustments for dates, not datetimes.
Added event removal support, activated when discarding an event.
(0) -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 tip