
Annotated docs/wiki/Imports

14 months ago Paul Boddie Merged changes from the trailing-data branch. value-replacement
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= Imports =
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An '''import''' is a declaration of one or more names that are provided by
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another source file or '''module''':
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  * `import` statements declare names that correspond to modules
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  * `from` statements declare names provided by modules
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Imports occur either through explicit import operations initiated by the
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`from` and `import` statements, or through implicit import operations
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occurring to satisfy the requirements of another kind of operation.
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== Packages and Submodules ==
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A '''package''' is a collection of modules whose names are all prefixed by the
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package name. For example:
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Here, the `compiler` package is said to contain the `compiler.ast` and
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`compiler.transformer` modules.
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=== Defining Packages ===
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The package root or top-level module is defined in a file called ``
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inside the directory bearing the package's name, and this file provides a
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namespace for the top-level module. However, a package does not expose its
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member modules ('''submodules''') as members of its top-level module. Instead,
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the hierarchical relationship between a package and its submodules exists
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purely in the naming of those modules, and where submodules are imported they
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must be done so using their full names.
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Thus, relationships between packages and modules must be explicitly defined in
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module namespaces. For example, in the `compiler` module, the following would
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define relationships to the submodules:
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from compiler.ast import ast
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from compiler.transformer import transformer
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Without such import statements, no attempt will be made upon importing
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`compiler` to access the submodules and automatically populate the package.
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=== Accessing Submodules Directly ===
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Importing of submodules from packages will not cause the package itself to be
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imported. For example:
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import compiler.ast
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This initialises the name `ast` which refers to the `compiler.ast` module, but
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the `compiler` package and its top-level module will not be imported. Thus,
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submodules can be considered independent of their packages, although they may
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seek to import their package top-level module should they need to access
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objects provided by that module.
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== Implicit Imports ==
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The following kinds of operations cause implicit imports:
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|| '''Operations''' ||<-2> '''Import names provided by...''' ||
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|| Augmented assignments ||<|5> `operator` || `operator.augmented` ||
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|| Binary operators || `operator.binary` ||
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|| Comparison operators || `operator.comparison` ||
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|| Slice operators || `operator.sequence`<<BR>>~-Subscript operators are converted to item method invocations-~ ||
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|| Unary operators || `operator.unary` ||
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|| Access to built-in name || `__builtins__` || (various modules in the [[../Builtins|built-ins]] package hierarchy) ||
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Operator usage will cause a local name referring to an `operator` module
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function to be created, with the appropriate function being exposed by the
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`operator` module itself. However, the inspection process will seek to obtain
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a reference to the function in its actual definition location, ultimately
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referencing the function in one of the modules indicated above.
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== Import Sequencing ==
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In order to populate modules, other modules may themselves be required to
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provide names to a given module, and in turn these other modules may rely on
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yet more modules, and so on. One logical consequence of this is that circular
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imports become possible, but the resulting mutual dependencies may not be
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easily untangled without careful attention to the state of each of the
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participating modules. Consider the following situation:
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digraph mutual {
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  node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="sans-serif",tooltip="Mutually-dependent modules"];
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  edge [tooltip="Mutually-dependent modules"];
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  subgraph {
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paul@810 104
    moduleA [label="module A",shape=ellipse];
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    fromB [label="from B import C",style=filled,fillcolor=gold];
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    D [label="class D(C)"];
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  subgraph {
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    moduleB [label="module B",shape=ellipse];
paul@810 112
    fromA [label="from A import D",style=filled,fillcolor=gold];
paul@810 113
    C [label="class C"];
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    E [label="class E(D)"];
paul@810 115
paul@810 116
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  moduleA -> fromB -> D [dir=none,style=dashed];
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  moduleB -> fromA -> C -> E [dir=none,style=dashed];
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  fromB -> fromA;
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  fromA -> fromB;
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Module A:
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from B import C
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class D(C):
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Module B:
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from A import D
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class C:
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class E(D):
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If modules were loaded upon being encountered in import statements, module A
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would not be completely processed when attempting to import from module B, and
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thus the import within module B of module A would only yield some information
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about module A. Consequently, the details of class D might not be available,
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and this would then have an impact on whether module B could even be
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completely processed itself.
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The approach taken to generally deal with such situations is to defer
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resolution until all modules have been populated. Then, names are resolved
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with any names employing kinds of references specified as `<depends>` (instead
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of, for example, `<class>`) being resolved according to the recorded import
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Since the classes in one module may depend on those in other modules, it is
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not always possible to finalise the details of classes in a module context.
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And since modules may depend on each other, it is not always possible to
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finalise the details of classes until the details of all classes in a program
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are known.
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=== Module Initialisation ===
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Although static objects can be defined with interdependencies in a declarative
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fashion, the initialisation of objects in modules may require the availability
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of completely-initialised objects defined in other modules. Thus, an
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initialisation order needs to be established, with some modules being
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initialised before others, so that all modules do not encounter uninitialised
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names when they are expecting those names to provide valid objects.
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The most obvious example of a module requiring the initialisation of others
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before it is itself evaluated is, of course, the `__main__` module. Given that
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it may import instances defined as attribute on other modules, it clearly
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requires those modules to have been initialised and those instances to have
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been created. It would be absurd to consider running the body of the
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`__main__` module before such other modules. Similarly, such dependencies
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exist between other modules, and consequently, an appropriate initialisation
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ordering must be defined for them. In its entirety, then, a program must
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define a workable ordering for all of its modules, signalling a concrete error
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if no such ordering can be established.
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== Hidden Modules ==
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Imports that do not obtain the imported module name itself, such as those
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initiated by the `from` statement and by implicit operations, keep the
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imported module '''hidden'''. Unless other operations expose hidden modules,
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they will remain hidden and may consequently be omitted from the final
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generated program: there would be no way of referencing such modules and they
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would therefore be unable to contribute their contents to the rest of the
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However, where an object provided by a module is referenced, a module cannot
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remain hidden, since the provided object may depend on other parts of the
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module in order to function correctly. And since a provided object might
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reference or return other objects in the module, the general module contents
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must also be exposed.
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Import dependencies are defined for namespaces indicating modules that are
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required by each namespace. By following dependency relationships, it is
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possible to determine the eventual target of an import and to potentially skip
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over modules that merely import and expose names. For example:
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digraph imports {
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  node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="sans-serif",tooltip="Import dependencies"];
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  edge [tooltip="Import dependencies"];
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  importer [label="from A import C",style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];
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  subgraph {
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    moduleA [label="module A",shape=ellipse];
paul@810 221
    fromB [label="from B import C",style=filled,fillcolor=gold];
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  subgraph {
paul@810 225
paul@810 226
    moduleB [label="module B",shape=ellipse];
paul@810 227
    C [label="class C",style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];
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  moduleA -> fromB [dir=none,style=dashed];
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  moduleB -> C [dir=none,style=dashed];
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  importer -> fromB -> C;
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from A import C
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Module A:
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from B import C
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Module B:
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class C:
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Here, B is never explicitly referenced, nor does it provide any referenced
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objects other than an imported name. Consequently, B is hidden and ultimately
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excluded from the final program. Such techniques are employed in the
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[[../Builtins|built-ins]] package hierarchy to reduce the amount of
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functionality employed by (and bundled in) a generated program.