
Annotated docs/ModPython/NOTES.txt

2004-02-07 paulb [project @ 2004-02-07 23:55:40 by paulb] Fixed documentation according to the Simple renaming.
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For each application, add an Alias line to httpd.conf to point to the directory
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containing the handler package, then specify the appropriate module name as the
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Alias /simple "/home/paulb/Software/Python/WebStack/examples/ModPython/SimpleApp"
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<Directory "/home/paulb/Software/Python/WebStack/examples/ModPython/SimpleApp">
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    AddHandler python-program .simple
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    PythonHandler SimpleHandler
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    PythonDebug On
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It would appear that the directory really should be distinct from others
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defined for mod_python, and that the handler should have a distinct name from
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other handlers employed.
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Using such a definition in httpd.conf, only server resources residing directly
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below "/simple" in the URL "hierarchy" with names ending in ".simple" would be
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associated with the Simple WebStack application's resources. Therefore, the
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following URL paths would access the application:
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Examples of URL paths not addressing the application are as follows:
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