

2005-07-16 paulb [project @ 2005-07-16 18:37:44 by paulb] Added directory redirects to the ResourceMap.MapResource.
     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">     3 <head>     4   <title>Treating the Path Like a Filesystem</title>     5   <meta name="generator"     6  content="amaya 8.1a, see http://www.w3.org/Amaya/" />     7   <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />     8 </head>     9 <body>    10 <h1>Treating the Path Like a    11 Filesystem</h1>    12 <p>...or as a reference into    13 deeply categorized resources. In this approach,    14 we take a path like this...</p>    15 <pre>/documents/news/2005/article.html</pre>    16 <p>...and we consider <code>documents</code>,    17 <code>news</code>,    18 and    19 <code>2005</code>    20 as directories, and <code>article.html</code>    21 as a    22 file-like resource. If we ask for the following path...</p>    23 <pre>/documents/news/2005</pre>    24 <p>...we may decide to provide a    25 listing of files within that directory, or    26 we may decide to refuse such a request. Indeed some kinds of    27 applications&nbsp;insist    28 that such a listing may only be produced with the following path    29 instead:</p>    30 <pre>/documents/news/2005/</pre>    31 <p>Applications of this kind are    32 quite common since the publishing of files    33 on a Web server often just involves exposing parts of a real filesystem    34 to    35 requests through the server.</p>    36 <h2>Resource Hierarchies in    37 WebStack</h2>    38 <p>There are a number of different    39 ways that paths can be interpreted and handled in WebStack    40 applications, including...</p>    41 <ul>    42   <li>Using predefined hierarchies    43 of resources.</li>    44   <li>By inspecting the path in a    45 top-level resource and then creating resources to deal with different    46 cases.</li>    47   <li>By handling all kinds of    48 paths in the same resource.</li>    49 </ul>    50 <h3>Predefining Resource    51 Hierarchies</h3>    52 <p>We might decide to represent    53 components in these kinds of paths using    54 different resource classes; for example:</p>    55 <ul>    56   <li>Folders or directories are    57 represented by&nbsp;a special resource class which contains other    58 folders and possibly some files.</li>    59   <li>Files or documents are    60 represented by special&nbsp;resource classes which provide access    61 to the content of such files.</li>    62 </ul>    63 We might then predefine a hierarchy of resources    64 so that when a request arrives for a resource, we can check it against    65 the    66 hierarchy and process the request according to whichever type of    67 resource is    68 being accessed. For example:<br />    69 <ul>    70   <li><code>documents</code>    71     <ul>    72       <li><code>news</code>    73         <ul>    74           <li><code>2005</code>    75             <ul>    76               <li><code>article.html</code></li>    77               <li><code>another.html</code></li>    78             </ul>    79           </li>    80           <li><code>2004</code>    81             <ul>    82               <li><code>document.html</code></li>    83             </ul>    84           </li>    85         </ul>    86       </li>    87     </ul>    88   </li>    89 </ul>    90 <p>Consider the above hierarchy;    91 we would implement such a hierarchy with a    92 resource object mapped to <code>documents</code>,    93 and that resource object    94 would contain a mapping of years to other resources. Eventually, at the    95 bottom of the hierarchy, individual resources would represent articles    96 and be    97 mapped to names such as <code>article.html</code>.</p>    98 <div class="WebStack">    99 <h3>WebStack API - Predefining   100 Resource Hierarchies in Adapter Code</h3>   101 <p>WebStack provides a resource   102 class for convenient mapping of path   103 components (ie. names) to resource objects:   104 <code>WebStack.Resources.ResourceMap.MapResource</code></p>   105 <p>This class can be used in <a href="deploying.html">adapter code</a>   106 to initialise an   107 application as follows:</p>   108 <pre>from WebStack.Resources.ResourceMap import MapResource<br />from MyApplication import FileResource                                  # import some resource class<br /><br />article_resource = FileResource(...)                                    # make a resource representing the article<br />document_resource = FileResource(...)                                   # make a resource representing the document<br />year_2004_resource = MapResource({"document.html" : document_resource})<br />year_2005_resource = MapResource({"article.html" : article_resource})<br />news_resource = MapResource({"2005" : year_2005_resource, "2004" : year_2004_resource})<br />documents_resource = MapResource({"news" : news_resource})<br />top_resource = MapResource({"documents" : documents_resource})</pre>   109 </div>   110 <p>Of course, predefining resource   111 objects is not the only way to support such   112 hierarchies. We could inspect paths and act dynamically on the supplied   113 information, either choosing to create resources or choosing to handle   114 such paths in the same resource. See <a href="path-info.html">"Paths   115 To and Within Applications"</a> for some other strategies.</p>   116 </body>   117 </html>