

2005-07-20 paulb [project @ 2005-07-20 12:52:53 by paulb] Introduced new, better names for the XSL extension functions.
     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">     3 <head>     4   <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type" />     5   <title>Creating Applications: Add Selectors</title>     6   <meta name="generator"     7  content="amaya 8.1a, see http://www.w3.org/Amaya/" />     8   <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />     9 </head>    10 <body>    11 <h1>Creating Applications: Add Selectors</h1>    12 <p>In the previous activity&nbsp;we annotated the template    13 with    14 <a href="structure.html">structural information</a>,    15 and these annotations should be sufficient in    16 presenting XML documents as Web pages for users to interact with.    17 However, in our design, we also wanted to be able to add and remove    18 list items from the form data structure, and we added some buttons in    19 the template to be used for this purpose.</p>    20 <h2>Introducing Selectors</h2>    21 <p>The&nbsp;buttons in the template are implicitly associated with    22 specific items and subitems, and when such buttons are pressed - for    23 example, to remove an item from the list - our application will want to    24 know on which item the removal action is to take place. In order to    25 connect the buttons with specific parts of the form data structure, a    26 special notation is used, and such notation turns elements such as    27 buttons into "selectors" - things which select parts of the structure    28 so that an operation can be carried out on those parts.</p>    29 <p>Taking the&nbsp;example HTML code from before, we add some of these    30 selector annotations to the template to produce something    31 like this:</p>    32 <pre>&lt;html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"<br />      xmlns:template="http://www.boddie.org.uk/ns/xmltools/template"&gt;<br />&lt;head&gt;<br />  &lt;title&gt;Example&lt;/title&gt;<br />&lt;/head&gt;<br />&lt;body template:element="structure"&gt;<br />&lt;form action="" method="POST"&gt;<br /><br />&lt;!-- Template text between the start and the interesting part. --&gt;<br /><br />&lt;div template:element="item"&gt;<br />  &lt;p&gt;<br />    Some item: &lt;input template:attribute="value" name="{template:this-attribute()}" type="text" value="{$this-value}" /&gt;<br />    &lt;input name="<span    33  style="font-weight: bold;">remove={template:this-element()}</span>" type="submit" value="Remove" /&gt;<br />  &lt;/p&gt;<br />  &lt;p&gt;<br />    Itself containing more items:<br />  &lt;/p&gt;<br />  &lt;p template:element="subitem"&gt;<br />    Sub-item: &lt;input template:attribute="subvalue" name="{template:this-attribute()}" type="text" value="{$this-value}" /&gt;<br />    &lt;input name="<span    34  style="font-weight: bold;">remove2={template:this-element()}</span>" type="submit" value="Remove" /&gt;<br />  &lt;/p&gt;<br />  &lt;p&gt;<br />    &lt;input name="<span    35  style="font-weight: bold;">add2={template:this-element()}</span>" type="submit" value="Add subitem" /&gt;<br />  &lt;/p&gt;<br />&lt;/div&gt;<br />&lt;p&gt;<br />  &lt;input name="<span    36  style="font-weight: bold;">add={template:this-element()}</span>" type="submit" value="Add item" /&gt;<br />&lt;/p&gt;<span    37  style="font-weight: bold;" /><br /><br />&lt;!-- Template text between the interesting part and the end. --&gt;<br /><br />&lt;/form&gt;<br />&lt;/body&gt;<br />&lt;/html&gt;</pre>    38 <h3>The Remove Buttons</h3>    39 <p>Some of the attributes in the previous HTML code have been    40 changed:</p>    41 <ul>    42   <li>The <code>input</code> element for the    43 first&nbsp;<code>Remove</code> button has a modified&nbsp;<code>name</code>    44 attribute,    45 containing a special value.</li>    46   <li>The <code>input</code> element for the second <code>Remove</code>    47 button has a modified&nbsp;<code>name</code>    48 attribute, containing a special value.</li>    49 </ul>    50 <p>What these amendments provide is a means for the XSLForms    51 framework    52 to connect together these buttons&nbsp;with a specific element in the    53 form data.</p>    54 <ul>    55   <li>The first&nbsp;<code>Remove</code> button    56 appears within the <code>div</code> element which maps onto&nbsp;items    57 in the form data. This means that each button will refer to a    58 specific&nbsp;item in the form being edited.</li>    59   <li>The second <code>Remove</code> button appears    60 within the&nbsp;<code>p</code> element which maps onto subitems in the    61 form data. This means that each button will refer to a    62 specific&nbsp;subitem in the form being edited.</li>    63 </ul>    64 <p>We define the names of the selectors in the above cases to be&nbsp;<code>remove</code>    65 and&nbsp;<code>remove2</code> respectively, since the special values    66 begin with these identifiers.</p>    67 <h3>The Add Buttons</h3>    68 <p>Some other attributes have been changed in the previous HTML    69 code:</p>    70 <ul>    71   <li>The <code>input</code> element for the    72 first <code>Add</code> button has a modified&nbsp;<code>name</code>    73 attribute,    74 containing a special value.</li>    75   <li>The <code>input</code> element for the second <code>Add</code>    76 button has a modified&nbsp;<code>name</code>    77 attribute, containing a special value.</li>    78 </ul>    79 <ul>    80 </ul>    81 <p>What these amendments provide is also a means for the XSLForms    82 framework to connect these buttons to specific parts of the form data.</p>    83 <ul>    84   <li>The <code>Add subitem</code> button appears    85 outside the&nbsp;<code>p</code> element which maps onto subitems in the    86 form data. Instead, it appears within the&nbsp;<code>p</code>    87 element which maps onto items. This means that each button will refer    88 to a specific item in the form being edited, and the consequence of    89 adding a subitem will be the extension of that item's list of subitems.</li>    90   <li>The <code>Add&nbsp;item</code> button    91 appears outside the&nbsp;<code>p</code>    92 element which maps onto items in the form data. Instead, it appears    93 within the <code>body</code>    94 element which maps onto the top-level <code>structure</code>    95 element in the form data. This means that each button will refer to the    96 top-level <code>structure</code>    97 element in    98 the form being edited, and the consequence of adding an item will    99 be the extension of the main list of items in the form.</li>   100 </ul>   101 <p>We define the names of the selectors in the above cases to be <code>add2</code>   102 and <code>add</code> respectively, since the special values begin with   103 these identifiers.</p>   104 <p>We should now have a template that is sufficiently complete to be   105 used in a real application, and the writing of the <a   106  href="Web-resource.html">application code</a> itself will be   107 investigated in the next activity in the development <a   108  href="overview.html">process</a>.</p>   109 </body>   110 </html>