paul@590 | 1 | Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="===============0047278175=="
paul@590 | 2 | MIME-Version: 1.0
paul@590 | 3 | From:
paul@590 | 4 | To:
paul@590 | 5 | Subject: Cancellation!
paul@590 | 6 |
paul@590 | 7 | Cancel the event for vincent.vole and paul.boddie. The free/busy details for
paul@590 | 8 | the recipients should be updated, even those employing the person handler.
paul@590 | 9 |
paul@590 | 10 | --===============0047278175==
paul@590 | 11 | Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
paul@590 | 12 | MIME-Version: 1.0
paul@590 | 13 | Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
paul@590 | 14 |
paul@590 | 15 | This message contains an event.
paul@590 | 16 | --===============0047278175==
paul@590 | 17 | MIME-Version: 1.0
paul@590 | 18 | Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
paul@590 | 19 | Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="us-ascii"; method="CANCEL"
paul@590 | 20 |
paul@590 | 21 | BEGIN:VCALENDAR
paul@590 | 22 | PRODID:-//imip-agent/test//EN
paul@590 | 23 | METHOD:CANCEL
paul@590 | 24 | VERSION:2.0
paul@590 | 25 | BEGIN:VEVENT
paul@590 | 26 |
paul@590 | 27 | ATTENDEE;
paul@590 | 28 | ATTENDEE;
paul@590 | 29 | DTSTAMP:20141125T004600Z
paul@590 | 30 | DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Oslo:20141126T160000
paul@590 | 31 | DTEND;TZID=Europe/Oslo:20141126T170000
paul@590 | 32 | SUMMARY:Meeting at 4pm
paul@590 | 33 |
paul@590 | 34 | SEQUENCE:2
paul@590 | 35 | END:VEVENT
paul@590 | 36 | END:VCALENDAR
paul@590 | 37 |
paul@590 | 38 | --===============0047278175==--