

2016-03-04 Paul Boddie Merged changes from the default branch. freebusy-collections
     1 = Resources =     2      3 In imip-agent, resources are a special kind of user that act upon requests     4 to schedule events and that perform such scheduling autonomously, meaning     5 that no human intervention is necessary when such resources receive messages     6 containing invitations.     7      8 By default, the [[../AgentPrograms|agent program]] responsible for resources     9 merely attempts to fit a received event into the resource's schedule. However,    10 in some organisations and environments, it is likely to be the case that other    11 policies are needed to ensure that a resource is not misused, overused or made    12 unnecessarily unavailable.    13     14 The [[../Preferences|preferences]] provide a way of controlling the behaviour    15 of resources, just as with any other kind of user, but certain preferences    16 are central to the configuration of resources.    17     18 <<TableOfContents(2,4)>>    19     20 == Scheduling Functions ==    21     22 The [[../Preferences#scheduling_function|scheduling_function]] setting    23 indicates the behaviour of a resource when a valid request to schedule an    24 event has been received. By default, a value equivalent to the following is    25 employed:    26     27 {{{{#!table    28 '''Scheduling Functions''' || '''Decision Process'''    29 ==    30 <style="vertical-align: top;">    31     32 {{{    33 schedule_in_freebusy    34 }}}    35     36 ||    37     38 {{{#!graphviz    39 //format=svg    40 //transform=notugly    41 digraph scheduling_decisions {    42   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];    43   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];    44     45   mail [label="Incoming mail",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];    46     47   subgraph {    48     rank=same;    49     schedule_in_freebusy [label="Can schedule in free/busy?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];    50     freebusy [label="Free/busy",shape=folder];    51   }    52     53   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];    54     55   subgraph {    56     rank=same;    57     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];    58     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];    59   }    60     61   mail -> schedule_in_freebusy -> schedule -> accept;    62   schedule_in_freebusy -> decline [style=dashed];    63   freebusy -> schedule_in_freebusy;    64 }    65 }}}    66     67 }}}}    68     69 As described above, this merely attempts to schedule an event in the free    70 periods of the resource's schedule. However, no attempt is made to reject the    71 booking of the resource according to the identity of the organiser.    72     73 === Identity Controls ===    74     75 Although identity controls may be implemented in the e-mail system,    76 effectively preventing the messages from addresses other than those within    77 an organisation (for example) from being delivered to the resource, it is    78 possible to use scheduling functions to implement such controls instead.    79     80 ==== Same Domain Membership ====    81     82 For instance, the following combines the default free/busy check with a    83 test that the organiser belongs to the same Internet mail domain (by using    84 the organiser's address):    85     86 {{{{#!table    87 '''Scheduling Functions''' || '''Decision Process'''    88 ==    89 <style="vertical-align: top;">    90     91 {{{    92 schedule_in_freebusy    93 same_domain_only    94 }}}    95     96 ||    97     98 {{{#!graphviz    99 //format=svg   100 //transform=notugly   101 digraph scheduling_decisions {   102   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   103   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   104    105   mail [label="Incoming mail",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   106    107   subgraph {   108     rank=same;   109     schedule_in_freebusy [label="Can schedule in free/busy?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   110     freebusy [label="Free/busy",shape=folder];   111   }   112    113   same_domain_only [label="Organiser has resource domain?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   114    115   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   116    117   subgraph {   118     rank=same;   119     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   120     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   121   }   122    123   mail -> schedule_in_freebusy -> same_domain_only -> schedule -> accept;   124   schedule_in_freebusy -> decline [style=dashed];   125   same_domain_only -> decline [style=dashed];   126   freebusy -> schedule_in_freebusy;   127 }   128 }}}   129    130 }}}}   131    132 Note that if the first function is omitted, no check against the resource's   133 schedule will occur, so it is necessary to mention any such function in the   134 list.   135    136 ==== Access Control Lists ====   137    138 A simple domain-related test may not be sufficient to control access to a   139 resource. Thus, another function is provided to exercise a finer degree of   140 control over event participants. For example:   141    142 {{{{#!table   143 '''Scheduling Functions and Data''' || '''Decision Process'''   144 ==   145 <style="vertical-align: top;">   146    147 {{{   148 schedule_in_freebusy   149 access_control_list   150 }}}   151    152 Access control list:   153    154 {{{   155 accept   156 }}}   157    158 ||   159    160 {{{#!graphviz   161 //format=svg   162 //transform=notugly   163 digraph scheduling_decisions {   164   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   165   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   166    167   mail [label="Incoming mail",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   168    169   subgraph {   170     rank=same;   171     schedule_in_freebusy [label="Can schedule in free/busy?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   172     freebusy [label="Free/busy",shape=folder];   173   }   174    175   subgraph {   176     rank=same;   177     access_control_list [label="Access control list permits booking?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   178     acl [label="acl setting",shape=folder];   179   }   180    181   accept_default [label="Accept invitation by default",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   182   end_acl [label="end",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   183    184   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   185    186   subgraph {   187     rank=same;   188     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   189     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   190   }   191    192   mail -> schedule_in_freebusy -> access_control_list -> accept_default -> end_acl -> schedule -> accept;   193   end_acl -> decline [style=dashed];   194   schedule_in_freebusy -> decline [style=dashed];   195   freebusy -> schedule_in_freebusy;   196   acl -> access_control_list;   197 }   198 }}}   199    200 }}}}   201    202 To accompany the scheduling functions, the [[../Preferences#acl|acl]] setting   203 in the resource's preferences must be set, or if a separate file is more   204 appropriate, its full path may be given as an argument to `access_control_list`:   205    206 {{{   207 schedule_in_freebusy   208 access_control_list /etc/imip-agent/resources.acl   209 }}}   210    211 Within the file provided by the setting or separate file, a list of rules   212 must describe the handling procedure for an event. For example, the following   213 was given in the above example:   214    215 {{{   216 accept   217 }}}   218    219 This will merely accept all invitations, anyway. However, it may be   220 appropriate to prevent certain users from using resources. For example:   221    222 {{{{#!table   223 '''Scheduling Functions and Data''' || '''Decision Process'''   224 ==   225 <style="vertical-align: top;">   226    227 {{{   228 schedule_in_freebusy   229 access_control_list   230 }}}   231    232 Access control list:   233    234 {{{   235 accept   236 decline attendee   237 }}}   238    239 ||   240    241 {{{#!graphviz   242 //format=svg   243 //transform=notugly   244 digraph scheduling_decisions {   245   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   246   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   247    248   mail [label="Incoming mail",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   249    250   subgraph {   251     rank=same;   252     schedule_in_freebusy [label="Can schedule in free/busy?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   253     freebusy [label="Free/busy",shape=folder];   254   }   255    256   subgraph {   257     rank=same;   258     access_control_list [label="Access control list permits booking?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   259     acl [label="acl setting",shape=folder];   260   }   261    262   accept_default [label="Accept invitation by default",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   263   decline_attendee [label="Is attendee",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   264   end_acl [label="end",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   265    266   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   267    268   subgraph {   269     rank=same;   270     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   271     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   272   }   273    274   mail -> schedule_in_freebusy -> access_control_list -> accept_default -> decline_attendee -> end_acl -> schedule -> accept;   275   end_acl -> decline [style=dashed];   276   schedule_in_freebusy -> decline [style=dashed];   277   freebusy -> schedule_in_freebusy;   278   acl -> access_control_list;   279 }   280 }}}   281    282 }}}}   283    284 This example indicates that by default, invitations will be accepted, but if   285 one of the attendees of an event is ``, the invitation   286 will be declined. However, it may be the case that this rule should be   287 overridden under certain circumstances. For example:   288    289 {{{{#!table   290 '''Scheduling Functions and Data''' || '''Decision Process'''   291 ==   292 <style="vertical-align: top;">   293    294 {{{   295 schedule_in_freebusy   296 access_control_list   297 }}}   298    299 Access control list:   300    301 {{{   302 accept   303 decline attendee   304 accept organiser   305 }}}   306    307 ||   308    309 {{{#!graphviz   310 //format=svg   311 //transform=notugly   312 digraph scheduling_decisions {   313   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   314   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   315    316   mail [label="Incoming mail",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   317    318   subgraph {   319     rank=same;   320     schedule_in_freebusy [label="Can schedule in free/busy?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   321     freebusy [label="Free/busy",shape=folder];   322   }   323    324   subgraph {   325     rank=same;   326     access_control_list [label="Access control list permits booking?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   327     acl [label="acl setting",shape=folder];   328   }   329    330   accept_default [label="Accept invitation by default",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   331   decline_attendee [label="Is attendee",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   332   accept_organiser [label="Is organiser",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   333   end_acl [label="end",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   334    335   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   336    337   subgraph {   338     rank=same;   339     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   340     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   341   }   342    343   mail -> schedule_in_freebusy -> access_control_list -> accept_default -> decline_attendee -> accept_organiser -> end_acl -> schedule -> accept;   344   end_acl -> decline [style=dashed];   345   schedule_in_freebusy -> decline [style=dashed];   346   freebusy -> schedule_in_freebusy;   347   acl -> access_control_list;   348 }   349 }}}   350    351 }}}}   352    353 Here, the stated organiser may still arrange a booking of the resource where   354 the previously-mentioned attendee is involved.   355    356 === Quota Controls ===   357    358 In contrast to each user's stored information which consolidates information   359 related to that user's own schedule, the quota system consolidates information   360 related to the schedules of one or more resources, thus enabling observations   361 to be made about their collective usage.   362    363 First, consider a resource such as a car where an organiser of an event may be   364 booking the car for travel purposes. A quota prevents the organiser from   365 booking the resource too much and denying other users access to it.   366    367 Now consider a number of separate car resources. An organiser might attempt to   368 get around any individual resource quota by booking a number of different cars.   369 By grouping the resources together, the organiser will exhaust a quota set on   370 the group of resources as reservations are made for the different members of   371 the group.   372    373 ==== Initialising Quotas ====   374    375 Within the journal storage area (described in the [[../FilesystemUsage|filesystem guide]]),   376 a quota group directory must be initialised with a `limits` file indicating   377 the amount of time that can be occupied by the cumulative total of all events   378 scheduled by an individual user or a group of which they are a member. For   379 example:   380    381 {{{   382 PT10H   383 }}}   384    385 This indicates that the given user may only reserve 10 hours of events or less.   386 Attempts to schedule more time will be declined.   387    388 To impose a general quota, the special `*` identity can be used:   389    390 {{{   391 * PT10H   392 }}}   393    394 When a user identity is not listed and no general quota is defined, that   395 particular user will be unable to reserve the resource unless defined as a   396 member of a group listed in the `limits` file, as described below.   397    398 ==== Sharing Quotas Across Users ====   399    400 When the use of resources is to be shared between users in such a way that   401 groups of users will be sharing a single quota, the `groups` file in the   402 quota directory must be defined, mapping each user identity to the group to   403 which they will belong. For example:   404    405 {{{   406 developers   407 developers   408 developers   409 testers   410 }}}   411    412 The group identity can then be employed in the `limits` file:   413    414 {{{   415 developers PT10H   416 testers PT20H   417 }}}   418    419 Limits apply to individuals, then to groups, then the general quota applies.   420 Thus, when a group is not listed, the general quota applies; without a general   421 quota (and without matching individually), a group member will be unable to   422 reserve the resource.   423    424 ==== Individual Resource Quotas ====   425    426 The trivial case of applying quotas is to give a resource its own quota. This   427 is achieved by not specifying any arguments to the `check_quota` scheduling   428 function or to the `add_to_quota` and `remove_from_quota` functions.   429    430 {{{{#!table   431 '''Scheduling Functions''' || '''Decision Process'''   432 ==   433 <style="vertical-align: top;">   434    435 {{{   436 check_quota   437 }}}   438    439 ||   440    441 {{{#!graphviz   442 //format=svg   443 //transform=notugly   444 digraph scheduling_decisions {   445   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   446   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   447    448   subgraph {   449     rank=same;   450     mail [label="Incoming mail\nfrom",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   451     cancel [label="Incoming cancellation",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   452   }   453    454   subgraph {   455     rank=same;   456     check_quota [label="Is allowed by quota?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   457     quota [label="Quota for resource",shape=folder];   458     quota_for_vole [label="...applying to\",shape=folder];    459   }   460    461   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   462    463   subgraph {   464     rank=same;   465     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   466     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   467   }   468    469   add_to_quota [label="Add to quota",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   470   remove_from_quota [label="Remove from quota",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   471    472   mail -> check_quota -> schedule -> accept;   473   check_quota -> decline [style=dashed];   474   schedule -> add_to_quota -> quota;   475   quota -> quota_for_vole -> check_quota;   476    477   cancel -> remove_from_quota -> quota;   478 }   479 }}}   480    481 }}}}   482    483 ==== Common Resource Quotas ====   484    485 By indicating an argument to the different functions, a common quota can be   486 employed. In the following example, both resources would employ the given   487 function invocations to pool their knowledge about their schedules.   488    489 {{{{#!table   490 '''Scheduling Functions''' || '''Decision Process'''   491 ==   492 <style="vertical-align: top;">   493    494 {{{   495 check_quota cars   496 }}}   497    498 ||   499    500 {{{#!graphviz   501 //format=svg   502 //transform=notugly   503 digraph scheduling_decisions {   504   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   505   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   506    507   subgraph {   508     rank=same;   509     mail_cadillac [label="Incoming mail\nfrom\nto",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   510     mail_pontiac [label="Incoming mail\nfrom\nto",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   511     cancel [label="Incoming cancellation",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   512   }   513    514   subgraph {   515     rank=same;   516     check_quota [label="Is allowed by quota?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   517     quota_cars [label="Quota for cars",shape=folder];   518     quota_cars_vole [label="...applying to\",shape=folder];   519   }   520    521   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   522    523   subgraph {   524     rank=same;   525     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   526     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   527   }   528    529   add_to_quota [label="Add to quota",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   530   remove_from_quota [label="Remove from quota",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   531    532   mail_cadillac -> check_quota;   533   mail_pontiac -> check_quota -> schedule -> accept;   534   check_quota -> decline [style=dashed];   535   schedule -> add_to_quota -> quota_cars;   536   quota_cars -> quota_cars_vole -> check_quota;   537    538   cancel -> remove_from_quota -> quota_cars;   539 }   540 }}}   541    542 }}}}   543    544 ==== Collective Scheduling ====   545    546 Consider two separate resources: both may be reserved at the same time by the   547 same organiser; neither resource would normally decline the reservation on the   548 basis of schedule availability, should the period concerned be free. However,   549 it may be undesirable for one organiser to occupy both resources at the same   550 time.   551    552 Consequently, a mechanism is required to pool the resource schedules in such a   553 way that any reservation performed for one resource at a given point in time   554 prohibits another reservation performed for a related resource at the same   555 point in time by the same user.   556    557 The free/busy records held for a given quota group permit such collective   558 scheduling decisions and are employed as follows:   559    560 {{{{#!table   561 '''Scheduling Functions''' || '''Decision Process'''   562 ==   563 <style="vertical-align: top;">   564    565 {{{   566 schedule_within_quota cars   567 }}}   568    569 ||   570    571 {{{#!graphviz   572 //format=svg   573 //transform=notugly   574 digraph scheduling_decisions {   575   node [shape=box,fontsize="13.0",fontname="Helvetica",tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   576   edge [tooltip="Scheduling decisions"];   577    578   subgraph {   579     rank=same;   580     mail_cadillac [label="Incoming mail\nfrom\nto",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   581     mail_pontiac [label="Incoming mail\nfrom\nto",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   582     cancel [label="Incoming cancellation",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   583   }   584    585   subgraph {   586     rank=same;   587     schedule_across_quota [label="Can be scheduled within the quota?",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   588     quota_cars [label="Quota for cars",shape=folder];   589     freebusy_cars_vole [label="...recording schedule for\",shape=folder];   590   }   591    592   schedule [label="Schedule event for resource",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=gold];   593    594   subgraph {   595     rank=same;   596     accept [label="Accept",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   597     decline [label="Decline",shape=folder,style=filled,fillcolor=cyan];   598   }   599    600   add_to_quota_freebusy [label="Add to quota free/busy",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   601   remove_from_quota_freebusy [label="Remove from quota free/busy",shape=ellipse,style=filled,fillcolor=darkorange];   602    603   mail_cadillac -> schedule_across_quota;   604   mail_pontiac -> schedule_across_quota -> schedule -> accept;   605   schedule_across_quota -> decline [style=dashed];   606   schedule -> add_to_quota_freebusy -> quota_cars -> freebusy_cars_vole;   607   freebusy_cars_vole -> schedule_across_quota;   608    609   cancel -> remove_from_quota_freebusy -> freebusy_cars_vole;   610 }   611 }}}   612    613 }}}}