
Annotated tests/shootout/

2007-06-23 paulb Introduced a separate fix_structures method to the instance fixing class. Made new dictionaries when fixing references to instances via accesses/writes. Added recursion detection around getting distinct instances from classes.
paulb@139 1
# The Computer Language Shootout Benchmarks
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# contributed by Antoine Pitrou
paulb@139 5
# modified by Dominique Wahli
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#from sys import argv
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def make_tree(item, depth):
paulb@139 10
    if depth > 0:
paulb@139 11
        item2 = 2 * item
paulb@139 12
        depth -= 1
paulb@139 13
        return (item, make_tree(item2 - 1, depth), make_tree(item2, depth))
paulb@139 14
paulb@139 15
        return (item, None, None)
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def check_tree(tree):
paulb@142 18
    (item, left, right) = tree
paulb@139 19
    if left is not None:
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        return item + check_tree(left) - check_tree(right)
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        return item
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def main():
paulb@139 25
    min_depth = 4
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    max_depth = max(min_depth + 2, 16) #int(argv[1]))
paulb@139 27
    stretch_depth = max_depth + 1
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paulb@200 29
    print "stretch tree of depth %d\t check: %d" % (stretch_depth, check_tree(make_tree(0, stretch_depth)))
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    long_lived_tree = make_tree(0, max_depth)
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    for depth in xrange(min_depth, stretch_depth, 2):
paulb@139 34
        iterations = 2**(max_depth - depth + min_depth)
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        check = 0
paulb@139 37
        for i in xrange(1, iterations + 1):
paulb@139 38
            check += check_tree(make_tree(i, depth)) + check_tree(make_tree(-i, depth))
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paulb@200 40
        print "%d\t trees of depth %d\t check: %d" % (iterations * 2, depth, check)
paulb@139 41
paulb@200 42
    print "long lived tree of depth %d\t check: %d" % (max_depth, check_tree(long_lived_tree))
paulb@139 43
paulb@139 44
if __name__ == '__main__':
paulb@139 45